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Breaking News! New Pay Wall Software…

By March 22, 2023One Comment

Dear Future Snow Members,

As many of you know we’ve had a lot of issues with accounts expiring and other items with our old pay wall website software.  Over the last month, we have done a lot of research to find a new software partner.  We believe our new software will come with fewer issues.  With that said it is still software and we know there will always be bugs to iron out.

We have migrated all paid members to the new system.  When your account expires you should get an email asking to update your payment information.  We’re still using the same Stripe Payment Gateway but unfortunately, your payment information will not transfer to the new system.

Thank you very much for your patience as we figure things out!


One Comment

  • TomGos says:

    Hi, my subscription seems to have disappeared with this transition, how can I contact you to have it reinstated? Thanks!

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