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Forecast Blog

New Pages/Hurricane Watch

By July 28, 2023No Comments

Posted July 28, 2023

Ski Portillo Chile

Pattern Changes

It is late in July and last year’s pattern is beginning to transition to this year’s pattern.   It is way too early to see many of the new features, other than a few things, such as, ridging and troughing.  The storm systems are about as far north as they can get.  Over the next few weeks we will begin to see more as we get deeper into August.

Tropical Action

We have been following the tropical systems throughout the summer and all indications are that they are on schedule.  For example, there are a couple of systems predicted (not released) in the next week that are on track and on time.  Below is a snapshot of where to look followed by an animated GIF to show the movement.  

These systems are like a “kickoff” in football as the season is getting under way.    They are still a way off, not hitting until Tuesday.

Hurricane Dates

Below are the possibilities for hurricanes and locations.  Sometimes we get the date right and the location is different.  That has happened, if you recall a couple of years ago when we predicted the exact date of Hurricane Ida but predicted the storm to hit near the Texas/Louisiana coast. 

I have some ideas on these alternate locations.  The storm from 2 years ago spawned in the correct location, but the trade winds were in a different set-up, creating the path of which Ida eventually took.  Understanding each cycles wind currents will give us a better chance of getting the location possibilities narrowed.  

Below are the early opportunities for Hurricanes using our long-range prediction formula.  Followed by the more likely scenario.  

Aug 12-15 Yucatan

Aug 12-17 Pacific Storm


Aug 30-Sept 6 Florida

Sept 6-8th Louisiana

Sept 30-Oct 3rd Yucatan

Sept 30-Oct 5 Pacific Storm

Final Thoughts

It’s almost August, just a couple more months and the first snowfall of the season will be hitting the slopes.  Just for fun I have set our first snowfall prediction of October 6th, based on work I have been doing on the multi-year pattern.  

We have been working on the backside of the site adding new pages and a bunch of web cams that will be consolidated and easy to navigate. We will be adding automated weather info as well, temperature, wind speed, freezing level, and short term forecast (7 days).  Those items will be rolling out over the next couple of months along with some new features that I will discuss once we are in season.

Thanks for reading the blog!  If you have any questions feel free to comment below or email me at

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