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Forecast Blog

Forever Winter, Winter Storm Warnings for Divide Resorts

By April 25, 2023No Comments

Posted April 25, 6:15 am MT 5:15 am PT

Snow Stake Cams

MSLP Surface Chart thru Apr 28

All Snow 

Forecast Discussion (storm 90)

Forever winter continues with good snow totals last night, with generally 3-5 inches for most resorts with Solitude, in Utah, the winner so far with 8.  Alta is still tracking snowfall and is officially in the 900 club (901).  Wow!  

Today, expect scattered snow showers this morning for Utah resorts, another 2-4 possible.  Temperatures steady today in the upper 20’s with lithe winds between 10-15 at base level.  

Colorado will start out dry as the second wave of the storm will come through this afternoon, as early as 1 o’clock.  Not much will fall before the lifts close, however significant snow will fall tonight.  In fact, our favorite phrase has been issued for the passes.  Winter Storm Warnings go into effect today at noon.

Next Storm Thursday Night (Storm 91 and 91.5)

The next system is an Albertia Clipper, that will impact the British Columbia coast Wednesday and drop south southeast hitting Utah and Colorado by Friday.  I say storm 91.5 because there was an omission on the Long-range Forecast chart.  There are two Utah storms in a row, storms 91 and 92.  The omitted storm should be in between those two for the date of the 28th. 

Not a big deal this time of year, but I don’t like to make mistakes, especially on the Long-range.  Check out the four day totals below–impressive.  

Open Resorts


Snowbird, Solitude and Park City 


Breckenridge, Arapahoe Basin, Copper Mountain, Winter Park and Loveland

Long-Range Forecast Prediction Chart Updated


Thanks for reading the blog, as always if you have any questions feel free to comment below, or send me an email to Mike@FutureSnow.CO

Forecasted Areas

Pacific Northwest Cascade Mountains

Crystal MountainMount Hood MeadowsTimberline49 Degrees North,  BachelorMt Baker,

Lake Tahoe Sierra Mountains

HeavenlyPalisades TahoeKirkwoodDodge RidgeDonner Ski Ranch

Utah Wasatch Mountains

AltaPark CityDeer ValleyBrightonSnowbirdBrian Head

Colorado Rocky Mountains

AspenAspen HighlandsSnowmassVailBeaver Creek,  Winter ParkKeystoneArapahoe BasinBreckenridgeCopper MountainPowderhornSki CooperTellurideCrested ButteSilvertonWolf CreekEldoraLoveland

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