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Forecast Blog

Powder MLK Day

By January 16, 2023No Comments

Daily Snow Stakes

Yo, Yo, Hello!  Snowcat operator working it at Palisades.

GFS Surface Chart Through Thursday

All Snow Version

Forecast Summary

The present storm is working its way through Lake Tahoe today, on its way to Utah, New Mexico and Colorado. It’s a Powder MLK Day throughout the west, with double-digit totals in California, Utah, and Colorado.  This system will be moving thru the Lake hitting Utah and southern Colorado by early evening.  More heavy snow expected, for the aforementioned areas, throughout the day and overnight adding another powder day tomorrow.  

Flow Comparison This Year vs Last Year

It is a stark difference in the flow from last year, and really the last two La Nina years, to this year.  

This flow pattern will continue throughout the year until July.  There are always seasonal variations with the flow, such as in summer, the jet stream recedes north, the storms will continue the same flow, but just further north.  This is great news for all of the drought affected areas throughout the west.



Wind Speed (Click to Animate)

Today:  Heavy snowfall expected throughout the day with double-digit totals.  Expect 8-12 for Kirkwood, Dodge Ridge and MammothHomewood, Palisades, Mt Rose, Heavenly and Sugar Bowl will be in the 4-8 range. Temperatures will be in the upper 20’s with light winds in the 5-10 mph at base level.

Tomorrow and Wednesday Dry with a small system moving in Wednesday night.


Today: Scattered snow showers throughout the day with accumulations in the 2-4 range.  Temperatures in the low 20’s with moderate winds from 10-15 mph.  Tonight, another good round of precipitation as we are looking at 5-10 for Alta and Snowbird, while Brighton, Park City and Deer Valley is in the 3-5 range.  

Tomorrow:  More snow expected with another 3-5 for Alta and SnowbirdBrighton, Park City and Deer Valley is in the 2-4 range.  

Wednesday and Thursday will have scattered snow showers with not much accumulation.  The next system is a small wave that will come through thursday night.



Today:  Scattered snow showers expected with light snowfall amounts.  Temperatures in the upper 20’s to around 30 at base level. 

Tonight: heavy snow expected for Wolf Creek and Silverton, with 10-16 inches likely.  Telluride will likely be in the 4-8 range.  I am not expecting much for the northern resorts, however, Crested Butte is in a good spot for this storm.  Expect 3-5 tonight.  For resorts along the divide, the energy from the San Juans should bring around 1-3 for A-Basin and Loveland.

Tomorrow:  Another 3-5 for Crested Butte and heavy snow for the southern mountains as another foot is likely for Wolf Creek and Silverton.  For resorts along the divide, expect 2-4 throughout the day.  The northern resorts get in on the snowfall with 2-4 likely for most areas.  Temperatures will be in the mid to upper 20’s with moderate winds in the 10-15 mph range and 25 mph gusts.  

Tomorrow night:  Snow continues with modest amounts across the board, generally 2-4.  


Long-Range Predictions thru March (from Monday)

We have our long-range forecast out thru March, there have been a lot of emails regarding the long-range, and I thank you for your patience. Every year, it is very challenging to put all of this together. 

We are getting better and better at figuring out the cycle, what the various teleconnections are, and how likely they are to affect the pattern.  It’s a lot of calculating, analyzing charts, and waiting.  

It is also very rewarding once you figure out what is going on.  Sometimes you think you have it all figured out, only to realize you were wrong. It takes all of the aforementioned process and much more, that I won’t bore you with, but there it is. 

As always you can email me with other resorts and areas you are interested in.  We can forecast for the entire northern hemisphere, so if you are interested in the east coast resorts, Europe, or Canada, just let us know and we will give you a detailed forecast.   


Forecasted Areas

Pacific Northwest Cascade Mountains

Crystal MountainMount Hood MeadowsTimberline49 Degrees North,  BachelorMt Baker,

Lake Tahoe Sierra Mountains

HeavenlyPalisades TahoeKirkwoodDodge RidgeDonner Ski Ranch

Utah Wasatch Mountains

AltaPark CityDeer ValleyBrightonSnowbirdBrian Head

Colorado Rocky Mountains

AspenAspen HighlandsSnowmassVailBeaver Creek,  Winter ParkKeystoneArapahoe BasinBreckenridgeCopper MountainPowderhornSki CooperTellurideCrested ButteSilvertonWolf CreekEldoraLoveland


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